Friday, January 22, 2010

January 19, 2010 - Momma Needs New Boots

Some call it denial, but honostly, it's so hard for me to find well fitting shoes that don't hurt my feet, that I tend to wear them until they're falling apart. Well, I think it's finally time to retire my hiking boots to shoe heaven. I mean what's the point in having hiking boots that don't protect you from the elements? After all, it's still the middle of Winter and I live in Colorado which means SNOW! The last few times it's snowed or even rain, I've noticed that my my feet have gotten wet. I didn't think too much of that in the beginnging, but as I was listening to the weather forecast this morning I realized that it's one thing to have worn out shoes when I'm only walking from my house to my car and back again. That won't be the case when I'm in Vancouver which will be in less than a month and the last thing I want to do is have cold feet. So, it's via con Dios hiking boots.

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